The One Moto Show 2020

Stephane marty by Paulo 23.jpg

This year’s One Moto Show was THE best by far, due to the new venue, a sports arena in which the races, that had previously been done at a different location about 1hr away from Portland, were done under the same roof, bravo!

Added to this, the vendors’ area was around the top-level arena concourse, the first thing the attendees hit as they came in, plus combined with more bikes to see that area, this made perfect sense for all involved.

The main bike show was in the main lower level room, I’ll let the images speak for itself :)

The lower level also had a room for the bands. Here the level also went up! Having one of my favorite stoner rock bands perform, Red Fang!

The racing paddock was at the back parking lot of the venue, providing some cool behind the scenes to the “bikes show”. The races were LOUD! which, also gave a cool vibe to the whole event.

With so much going on, I made 4 different galleries, Pagnol of course, is not just about our gear, it is about the lifestyle to inspires what we do, enjoy!

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